Jan 5, 2010


This is a new year, a new decade, and time for some new changes. One change is that I plan to lose weight. Recently, I was trying to put a Myspace page together and I took some pictures of myself. I looked at them and my thoughts were “Woof, Buzz’s girlfriend”. LOL! I felt like that girl in the picture from Home Alone. Completely Awful feeling! So, I realized I needed a drastic change.

Over the years my weight has gone up and up. When I started college I started to gain the weight. And, before I knew it, over the course of fours years, I had gained one hundred pounds. It has really affected me socially and mentally. Right now I am at a point in my life that something needs to change for my well being, not only physically, but mentally. I find myself not being happy with anything I do, not happy with myself, my life in general. I’m hoping that if I can lose the weight and feel better about myself I can then feel more confident to finally find a “career” and not just a job that I hate going to everyday.

So, my goal for this blog is for me to be accountable for my actions and my eating habits. I think that if I am sharing this with everyone I am going to be more likely to follow along and actually “CHANGE” instead of trying temporary fixes, that DON’T work. Well, I wish the best of luck to all who are following and I know we can do this together and hold everyone accountable. Let’s make this the year of change.

Best Wishes,

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