Jan 27, 2010

Taco Bell

I'm also impressed with Taco Bell's Nutrition Fact/Meal planner they have. It is similar to Wendy's and you can customize and add all your calories up together based on your order. It really is a helpful tool for people who are dieting. I think companies have finally caught on to it. In order to get people's business that are watching what they eat, there needs to be some access to the nutrition facts. YAY!!

Chicken Soft Taco: I took the cheese off this b/c it seems to high with the cheese. So basically what is on this is just chicken and lettuce, but they are only 89 cents, so this is what I have been eating lately at Taco Bell. This taco weighs in at 170 calories, with 6 fat grams, and 1 dietary fiber. That is 4 WW pts. WooHoo!!

Pintos and Cheese: I totally forgot they even had these. I used to get them all the time b/c they are filling, cheap, and yummy. This little bowl shocked me. Thinking it was going to be worse than what it really is. Bowl of goodness weighs in at 180 calories, with 7 grams of fat, and 9 fiber. That's right 9 (nine). Wow!! 3 ww points. The 2008 Dining Out Companion book says that also. Guilt-free eating here I come!!

Nachos and Cheese: Ah! My favorite. I have been ordering these lately, thinking that they were not that bad. UHHHH!! Based on the facts, holy cow! These chips and cheese are horrible. They have 330 calories, with 21 grams of fat, and 2 fiber. That is a whopping, 8 ww pts. I could seriously be sick right now thinking about it. And the worse part is that it is not even a big portion. That is what threw me off.

Cinnomon Twist: I like these sugary twists but I always thought they weren't the best choice. I knew they were better than some things, but after reading the nutrition facts on them they have soared to the top of my list. Having 170 calories, with 7 grams of fat, and 1 fiber, these little puppies aren't bad. Registering with a ww point value of 3, cool!

Mild Border Sauce(all): I put this sauce on everything. And the other day I grilled some chicken and put almost 7 packets on it. As I am sitting there eating it, I thought wow, I don't even know how many calories are in this sauce and I just doused my chicken in it. Well, to my surprise it has ZERO anything in it!!! YES!! (except sodium and the fire has 1 carb) This is my new best friend. Everytime I go to Taco Bell, I am asking for extra sauce to make my chicken at home.

Cheese Quesadilla: How bad can this be? Pretty bad. This used to be a favorite of mine. Now, not so much! Having 470 calories with 26 fat grams, and 4 fiber, this is not the meal for me. This cheesy heart attack is 10 ww points according to the PointFinder, but the companion book says 12. I'm going to go with the book on this one because the PointFinder only has the fat grams up to 20 and it isn't as accurate.

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