Jan 14, 2010

Reese's 100 Calorie Candy Bar

Alright so today’s top bite is……….Reese’s 100 calorie Peanut Butter Wafer Bar!!
These little candy bars are so delicious, definitely do not taste like anything diet. A pack of these has two sticks that are just enough to kick that sweet tooth. And......the best part is they only have 100 calories per pack!! The only downfall I found with these is that they have a pretty high fat count, 6 grams, for the pack.

I found the little single packs at the check lane with all the candy bars for 69 cents each, but I did not price the boxes out. I thought that 69 cents was a little pricey, but I wanted to try them.

It looks like they have some different varieties of these wafer bars and you can view the nutrition facts for each. Go (here) to check it out.

**Let me know if you come across these and try them.**

Have a great chew!! (that’s pretty cheesey! HA! )

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