Jan 6, 2010

Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla

Step 1 : Fry the chicken
(I used lots of seasoning can you tell???!!)

Step 2 : Add Cheese

Step 3 : Fry

Step 4 : Finished

Step 5 : EAT!

I was thinking and I thought it would be really cool to start a recipe section that consist of, low calorie, low fat, good wholesome meals. Every week I think it would be helpful to post a new recipe that I have tried and recommend. If you have any good recipes let us know, or if you tried the recipe in the post. Foods that I find helpful along the way I will post them.

Not sure if anyone is familiar with the books and website called Hungry Girl by Lisa Lillien. I have two of her books and I subscribe to her free daily e-mail newsletter. She takes everyday recipes and turns them into “Guilt-free eating”. I’ve tried a couple and they are pretty good. Others, Eeek! They have ingredients in them I have never heard of, let alone would want to put in my mouth! I’ll take the extra calories and cut somewhere else.

Tonight I tried her recipe Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla. It was oh so yummy and really easy to make. (My kind of cooking!) I took some pictures for step by step to show you. I’m a very visual person, so I hope these helps. (Don’t laugh to hard at my cutting skills, step 5)



1 medium low-fat flour tortilla (about 110 calories w/ at least 6g fiber)

2 ounces cooked boneless skinless lean chicken breast, sliced

1/3 c. shredded low-fat cheese (any flavor)

1 tbsp. diced scallions

Optional toppings: fat-free sour cream, salsa


Over medium heat, set tortilla in a pan lightly spritzed w/ non-stick spray. Arrange the cheese evenly on top and then place chicken strips and scallions on half of the tortilla.

Once cheese begins to melt, fold the cheese-only side over the other side. (Use a spatula to press down firmly, securing the quesadilla’s shape.) Continue to cook for a minute or so, flipping quesadilla halfway through.

Slide your quesadilla onto a plate and top w/ salsa and sour cream, if you like. Enjoy!

** In my pictures I used olive oil b/c I didn’t have any spray. I also used Old El Paso taco seasoning for my chicken to make it a little bit tastier. This recipe sounds bland w/o it! The seasoning is very minimal in calories.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I forgot to post the most important part of this recipe!! The Nutrition Facts....

    240 calories
    3g fat
    705mg sodium
    24g carbs
    9g fiber
    1g sugar
    34g protein

    This is according to the ingredients she used. Following your items facts would be more accurate.
