Jan 24, 2010

Week #2 Weigh In

This whole week I have been really nervous about my weigh in on Monday. I have been weighing myself pretty much everyday to see if I have lost anything and I kept staying close to the same. It showed that I only lost about .4 pounds or something. So, I have been pretty worried about it. Today I just got done weighing myself and it said that I had lost a total of 1.4 pounds. Definitely happy with that. But, now I am worried that tomorrow will not show that. I need to make a choice. Do I go watch the game or do I not. Right now, I'm leaning towards not going. I want to achieve that little weight loss success. After all, that is what is keeping my motivated on this journey.

I really hate this. I love that whole dieting and feeling great about myself, but I hate having to decide over temptation or the scale. I really feel like that Oatmeal commercial where the people in it have that scale attached to their ankle and are dragging it around, making decisions based on "the ball and chain".

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