Jan 6, 2010

My Goals and Food Journals

Ok, so I have thought really hard about my goals I want to accomplish in 2010. My long term goal, that is probably not going to be completed by the end of this year, is 100 pounds. My short term goals are to lose at least 5 pounds each month. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot but I have tried 10 pounds a month before and I about killed myself and I still did not lose near that amount. My first month I reached the 10 pound marker only because my initial weight loss was counted in that. But after I lost that first big amount it became a little harder to lose.

I have also set into place a reward system for myself when I reach those goals. I am a person that needs something to look forward. The last couple months I want to measure my progress before I decide, and I’m sure there will be things that I think of that I want to do. But these are the major things that I have been wanting to do for a while.

Official Start Date : Monday, January 11, 2010

February ~ get my nails done

March ~ One day to Relax

April ~ trying on a pair of my super tight jeans and having them fit

I can not wait for this to come. I am going to work super hard b/c I really really want those jeans to fit. They are so cute and I’m so close to getting into them.

May ~ Pedicure b/c sandal season is approaching

June ~ In April and May I plan to focus on my arms, so I am rewarding myself by being able to buy a new tank top and go out.

July ~ Massage *this depends on how much weight I lose altogether before I feel comfortable with this one*

August ~ Go through clearance swimsuits and try some on. Maybe find one that will be my motivation.

September ~ My Birthday Month! YAY! The Big 25.….YIKES! Well, my twenties are half over and I would think by now I would have changed something but I am in the process now so I think I might reward myself by buying an expensive “that I can afford” (LOL) new outfit and going out and having fun!!!

October ~ TBD

November ~ TBD

December ~ If I hit goal every month I will have lost 50 pounds. I think that is time for a VACATION somewhere warm!!

I really hope to accomplish all this by writing food diaries and watching what I eat. In the past the best diets for me were just simply counting calories and exercising. I started out by having a 2000 caloric intake a day and then I cut it back, and surprisingly I lost weight. So, I think that I’m going to really focus on doing that. Below are some food journals that I found that were really helpful to me. I’m not sure which one I like, so I’m going to try all of them, but you definitely want to pick the one that you feel comfortable with. A way that you can avoid using a log is that if you plan your meals out. For example before I would just calculate the calories for the meal and deduct. Very easy and simple. Also, don’t stress over getting the right amounts down, just write what you are eating.

* Like this one from About.com ~ They have some awesome questions that I like, that ask you about your eating habits.


* This is from WebMd.com ~ This looks like a very simple format to follow plus it has the fitness log at the bottom of the sheet. The second link is for a portion guide that you can stick on your fridge! HOW COOL!! That will really make you think twice about grabbing that piece of cake out of there!! J


** I love the sweet/treats sections. 1 serving of a brownie is the size of a dental floss pack. HAHAHA Yeah Right! That is like a bite!! (just kidding)

* If your doing weight watcher’s but not going to the meetings here is a link for their food journal. They are not exactly the same but they are pretty close. (PDF formats)



* You will have to sign in to this and register for a free account.


** If you see anymore good food journals/diaries, let me know and post them in a comment so I can check them out. J

1 comment:

  1. I think you have some great goals, and using rewards is a great way to keep yourself accountable, as is the blog. Excited to follow your journey. Remember, consistency is the best way to meet your goals, as is working harder when you hit that plateau. Best of luck!
