Jan 22, 2010

Weigh In Day

Starting tomorrow morning I will only have 3 more days till I weigh in for week #2. AAAAHHH! Just because I think I did well, I'm nervous the scale will not show my hard work. My eating habits have gotten easier and I'm getting better @ managing my calories. I started to add a lot of exercise and my body is pretty sore from it. (Did Not realize how out of shape I was .......... WOAH!!) Yesterday, I exercised pretty much all day. When I play the Wii I totally lose track of time. I also broke out the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. I love these exercises. I like how they are so easy to do and you don't need a lesson before you start.

I really need to kick my butt hard b/c Sunday we are watching the Vikings vs. Saints football game and it is so easy to acquire too many empty calories. I like Corona a little bit! I am really debating if I should drink or not. I think I have worked hard but I'm not completely sure. I don't want to weigh in on Monday morning and not shed anything. But, I don't want to go Sunday and not drink. Don't know what to do.

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