Jan 15, 2010

Binge Eating

Hey I found this little clip about Binge eating while surfing the web. At first I was like o jeez they are just going to say how bad “fat” people are and that they all they do is overeat. But no they are actually acknowledging the fact that binge eating is a serious disorder and there is causes behind it, not just hunger. Go (here) to check it out.

As I travel along my journey one of the biggest obstacles is changing habits. It is so easy to just snap out and go right back to your old habits w/o even realizing you are doing it. Upon watching the video I realized I just did this last night, but, luckily I caught myself and stopped it. My boyfriend made me so mad and while we were fighting I was just standing in front of the fridge w/ door open looking in. Then I went to reach for a Mountain Dew, and the only thing that stopped me is that I got mad that there was only one left in the case. That quick I caught myself and realized that I was getting mad at only having one can left? I shouldn’t even be wasting my calories on this can of pop. And, I think the reason that I was looking in the fridge while we were fighting is subconsciously I was thinking about what I could grab out and gorge myself with to help heal my wounds. Like self-medicating.

So today I really sat down and thought through the reasons why maybe I overeat sometimes. Theses are what I came up with.

Being upset or sad - like the viscous cycle.

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