Jan 13, 2010


Whoa……….so I want everyone to hold onto their seats, sit back and read!!! I haven’t blogged very much the past two days, but today I have some serious posts you need to read. Hope you enjoy and get some ideas from them.


  1. Sounds like you're getting your eating planned out well. Have you thought about workouts? One thing that I am trying is called Couch to 5K. You can find this workout at http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml.

    I thought this would be a hard workout and so far it hasn't been bad. Also remember to check out free Exercise on Demand on the digital cable. They have some really fun workouts on there! The other day I tried Cardioke... Singing while you workout was actually kind of fun!

  2. HAHAHA!! I forgot about that! Last time I checked they got rid of Leslie Sansone(sp) so I got mad and never went back(lol)

    But the Cardioke sounds pretty cool...you know me and karaoke.
