Jan 27, 2010

McDonald's Mess-Up!

So I did a really bad thing last night. I was so hungry and I just needed the taste of something bad for me. I went to McDonald's and got an Angus burger combo meal. Then I felt bad so I came home and exercised. LOL! But, now I feel like I can continue dieting since I got that out of my system. It is almost like I was eating other foods to fulfill that want of a burger and fries. I probably shouldn't have gotten that burger and meal. I should have stuck with a small fry and a double cheeseburger.

Now let me share with you the bad part........(go here for all nutrition info)

750 Calories
39 Fat grams

Fries: (I shared a couple with the dog, so not all calories I took in) j/k
380 Calories
19 Fat grams

Hey at least I had a Diet Coke.

***Also, I was looking through the menu and calories and I was shocked about the snack wraps. They are not to high in calories if you get the grilled ones chicken. ***

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