Jul 26, 2010

Meal Plan - Day 4

Day #4
  • Breakfast
    • Irish Oatmeal w/ sliced banana
    • Cup of coffee
  • Lunch
    • Roast beef sandwich on wheat bread w/ vegetables
    • Diet Soda
    • Handful of pretzels
  • Dinner
    • Turkey meatloaf w/ vegetables
    • Side salad
Get yourself ground turkey breast, an egg & chop up some celery and onions. Mush it all together in a big mixing bowl. Shape it into a ball and throw it into the oven for about 30 minutes and it's ready to go. You can eat the left over in a sandwich the next day.

From Bobby Waldron The Belly Burner Meal Planner Nutritional Log

*~HAHA! Can you guess what is on the lunch menu for Day #5? I have no clue. ~*

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