Jul 26, 2010

Intial Weigh-In 7/26/2010

Well, today I got on the scale for "S-day" and it actually wasn't too bad. I mean the number was still bad but not what I expected. I had lost 5 pounds since I started blogging again (last week). Maybe it is all the typing?! I am still 6 pounds away from where I was at the last time my challenge began. Ugh! If only I would have just kept it going.

Now I need to keep it going and move it forward. My short term goal that I want to reach at the beginning of October is to lose 23 pounds. I know that is sort of a odd number, but that way I will be at the weight I was when I stopped blogging. Gosh, that is really discouraging. Bummer!

My Stats:
  • Lost
    • -5 lbs
  • Goal
    • -18 lbs by Oct. 1, 2010

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