Jul 20, 2010

5 Day Slim Down

I absolutely love Leslie Sansone and her workouts. For about 2 weeks I have been doing her Walk Away Your Waistline 3 mile workout. It really gets you going and sweating. And the best part about it is that all her workouts are so easy to do and follow.

Well, recently I bought this 5 day slim down DVD. I have watched it and sort of did one workout. But on it she has a bonus segment where she shows you how and what to make for breakfast. So, I am planning to start this 5 Day Slim Down tomorrow and track it on my blog. I am going to eat one her breakfast suggestions and do 1 mile each day for 5 days, then track my progress. The hardest part about this is that you have to get up, exercise, and eat breakfast. I am not a breakfast eater at all. And she addresses that on her DVD. She said the reason that we are not normally hungry in the morning is because we eat to much and late at night. OMG! I had an epiphany moment! It all seemed to make sense now! Duh! why couldn't I figure that out a while ago. She also said "going to bed not stuffed means waking up with a healthy appetite."

Here are the breakfast(most important and skipped meal of the day) ideas on the DVD:

  • Scrambled Eggs w/ 2 pieces whole grain toast, strawberries, and coffee or water.
    • Whites - complete protein
    • Yolks - Leslie thinks they are important so she left them in
    • Toast - only use 1 TBSP of butter for both pieces
      • do not use margarine or made up butter. She said that sometimes that can be worse for us that the real thing.
  • Oatmeal w/ brown sugar and mixed almonds
    • Fiber Food
    • Gives Sustained energy
    • Old Fashioned oats have the most fiber content. Instant is refined and doesn't have as much.
    • Add a TBSP of peanut butter to add a little protein
  • 2 slices of French Toast ( this really surprised me)
    • Cinnamon is good for blood glucose levels
    • Try adding Peanut Butter to add protein along with the egg
    • Can also add some fruit
    • 1 tbsp of syrup per slice of bread
  • Smoothie (YUM! I LOVE SMOOTHIES)
    • She used a hand blender and a large cup. But I use a real blender.
    • Frozen strawberries
      • these can also serve as the ice cubes. I hate making ice so I always buy frozen strawberries or fruit for my smoothies and eliminate the ice.
    • Yogurt
      • any kind will work. There are so many out there to choose from.
    • Skim milk
    • Banana
    • Can add soy or protein powder
  • Grab and Go
    • Nutri-Grain Bar
    • Nature Valley Bar
      • they have so many different kinds now. And I think all of them are really good. Never had a bad one.
    • Quaker Oatmeal Bar
    • Slim Fast Shake
    • Kellogg's Bar
      • they also have the protein shakes
    • Bolthouse Farms Drinks
      • They have so many different flavors
        • Green Goodness
        • Chocolate Lovers
        • Peach
        • Strawberry
        • Blueberry
        • Vanilla
        • Chi

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