Oct 18, 2012


Well, I guess I just started blogging again and you may be wondering what the heck I was up to or where I have been.  The truth is my weight took a backseat during that time, and I sort of grew comfortable with the way I was and convinced myself that I was happy and had the attitude of "take me or leave me....I am who I am!"  I could only suppress those feelings for so long before they boiled to the top again.  Now, is that time.  I blame my weight for a lot of issues I have in my life, but yet I just can't stop eating!  The thing is, I know it is wrong and that I shouldn't do it, but I feel helpless to the calling of food. (I am sure it is similar to a drug habit)   I have this addiction and don't know how to treat it.  But, then I think to myself, am I using that for an excuse to eat more?   I'm 27 (3 years older since began) and this should be my time to shine, but it's not.  I hold myself back and try really hard to put on a brave, happy face to the outside world.  But, it's getting old and I can't pretend that I'm not a mess inside anymore.  So confused and that is why I started to blog again to help me through this tough time of realization and desperation of needing and wanting to lose weight.  Here's my update......

*WARNING* may be very exciting....I live such an eventful life! HA! Just Kidding! 

August 2010:  Started new job at doctor's office as posted about here and enrolled in school to work towards a second Bachelor's Degree in Accounting.

September 2010:  Turned 25!

January 2011:  Wrecked my car in a snow storm with a ditch and something that got in my way and hit me.  So in March I had to get a new "used" car.  I love it ...... it is a 2 door sports car that is awesome on gas! Yay!  But, I miss the ole' boat.  A lot of good memories were made during college!

February 2011:  Drove about 2-3 hours to pick-up our new little rescue mutt, Sparky.  I found him on petfinder.com and one weekend we just took off to go get him.  Chris was fighting me the whole way down there and saying that this was a bad idea.  But, when we got there and he saw Sparky he was the one that decided to take him home with us that day!  I was almost going to leave him.  I'm glad I didn't.  He had such a story to tell and he was only about 1 year old.  According to the lady that posted him on petfinder.com, he was left in a foreclosed home and the bank found him in a room.  Due to the fact that she had a 4-H dog group someone contacted her and that is how he ended up with her.   She had him for about a month and said he was a really good dog and got along with everyone.  And then, the rest is history!

He looks like a bear cub at the zoo!
Before his haircut - 10/12/12

After his haircut - 10/17/12

June/July 2011:  Joined a local gym and started working out with a trainer.  I liked how I felt, but I wasn't taking the eating part seriously so I was not losing weight and of course got discouraged and quit.

August 2011:  Chris was thinking about going to school for engineering, so we almost moved.  But it didn't work out like he had hoped, what a bummer!

September 2011:  Turned 26!

November 2011: Went on Vacation to Minnesota and visited the Mall of America and watched the Packers vs. Vikings football game in the MetroDome.  What an awesome experience!  On the way to Minnesota we stopped and stayed the night in Chicago at the Hard Rock Hotel on Michigan Avenue and ate at Giordano's Pizza on Randolph Drive in the Prudential Plaza.  WOW! Never had a pizza quite like that before. (delicious and not diet friendly)  I was nervous to go (weight-related), but it turned out to be an awesome trip!

Vikings vs. Packers - Metrodome

Vikings Vs. Packers - Metrodome

Giordano's Pizza.....YUM!

Giordano's Pizza

January 2012:  Took a part-time job (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) really close to home. Still kept the doctors office job on Tuesday and Thursdays. Not sure if that was a right move or not.

July 2012: Quit the doctors office to work a seasonal job (many hours) and to free up my schedule in the fall to take extra classes at school.  Well, then the schedule was changed and I was unable to take the class I need!  They had the class scheduled on a Monday and Thursday ...... how dumb!

August 2012:  Went on Vacation to North Myrtle Beach.  Chris' family has a condo down there so we scored an awesome inexpensive trip.  And, we took my car mentioned above that got excellent gas mileage.  The only thing was that the seat (so we think) messed Chris' back up so bad from the long drive that he was off work for about 2 weeks and in pretty bad shape upon return.  It rained a lot when we were there so we didn't get to do a lot of outdoor activities like go to the beach (two times) or golf (or drive the cart....my sport!) We had a good time and it was fun to get away and have some well-deserved R&R.  Saw my first "palmetto bug/cockroach"  AArrgghhh.......Scary!!!  AND they are hard to kill.  I don't know if you can kill one.  In the picture below I put it in a cup thinking it was dead to take a picture and started coming back to life.  So we must have just stunned it!  YIKES!  I was scared the rest of the night and had a hard time sleeping. Even though it rained and it seemed like nothing could go right, we still had an awesome time.  That was the first time I was down there and I really enjoyed it.

September 2012:  Turned 27! Aaagghhh! and I am back in blog land!

That pretty much brings my two years up to score!  Now, I want to hear about yours!  

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