Oct 18, 2012


Title says it all............All about me!

1.  Fall is my favorite time of the year. Crispy, crunchy leaves and chilly nights.  The smell of apples and everything nice! (ha)

Picture Source

2.  Macintosh Apple is my favorite Yankee Candle Scent.

3.  I am addicted to Diet Coke............Pepsi stand back b/c here comes silver and red!

Picture Source

4.  My favorite foods are:
  • Nickels Maple twists
  • Snickers Ice-cream bars
  • Cheese
  • Cheez-Its
  • Diet Coke - as mentioned above
  • Alfredo
  • Cheese Lasagna
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Cheeseburgers
  • Quesadillas
  • Nachos
  • Fried Pickles w/ ranch
  • Oooeey Gooeey Pizza with lots of pizza sauce and ranch dressing
  • White Toast with lots of butter dunked in hot chocolate
  • Spaghetti Meatballs with a packet of equal mixed in........had those for lunch today!
  • Smoothies
  • Dirt Pudding
  • Sugar Cookies with store bought icing and sprinkles
  • Apple Cinnamon Doughnuts
  • Bread - rolls/sticks
  • OMG! I just love everything!   
5.  Jamming out to a good song you know all the words to.  

6.  Bought and reading the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy.........of course, along with every other woman!

Photo Source - iwastesomuchtime.com

7.   I love high heels.  I just can't wear them right now b/c I'm too fat and I look RIDICULOUS........Here comes the rolly polly GIANT!

8.  My favorite Bath and Body works scent is Plumeria (only can be found in the outlets)

9.  I like to have a variety of bodywash, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, hair sprays and laundry detergents to use on a daily basis.  

My Favorite is a tie between this Tide plus Febreze Spring & Renewal and ERA original. 

My all time favorite fabric softner is Downy Simple Pleasures Water Lilly Radiance.  The last I checked they don't make this anymore.  Booo!  But, when I was looking around I saw that K-Mart carries it, but the bottle looks different.  I need to check it out. 

10.  I am fascinated by old architecture, older homes, and homes in general - decorating, tours, fixture, furniture, ...... just everything! I like to find "Diamonds in the Ruff" and imagine what they could be if had unlimited funds to revive them back to their prime. 
11.  I love to coupon and drive a good bargain!

12.  I like to scrapbook every so often.

13.  I live in sweatpants, hoodies, and flip flops.............they are just my thing!

14.   Excited American Horror Story is back on.

15.  My favorite movies are chick flicks.

16.   I want/need to lose weight!

17.  I hate when people scrape their forks against their teeth when they eat.

18.  Really want hair extensions.

19.  Love shoes!

20.  Wish Sparky was a girl so that I could dress "her" up in bows and little frilly outfits.

21.  Hate when people talk loudly on a regular basis.

22.  Suck at job interviews.

23.  Homebody

24.   Don't like when people brag.......tell me about your life, don't Brag about it.  I believe their is a fine line!

25.  Never had a massage because I'm too scared. 

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