Oct 9, 2012


With Halloween right around the corner so is the temptation!  From all the holiday sale on chocolatey goodness and snacks to kids trick or treating.  Here is a list of some ways that you can tame down the calling of bad, to amping up the will power!


1.  Put the candy that your kids collect from trick or treating in a container and hide it in the pantry or a cupboard that is out of site.  Make it more difficult and it will deter you; making you work hard for it, heck by that time......it doesn't sound so good! Plus, put the scale right in front of the cupboard, pretty sure you will just walk on by when you see that little piece of digital plastic glaring back at you!

2.  Find out if your dentist has a "trade-in" program where your kids can trade-in their candy to get prizes or money.

3.  Donate treats to local food banks or charities.

4.  Make a cute candy dish for the employee lounge.

5.  Pack candy in moderation in your lunch once or twice a week for a dessert OR find neat recipes to use the extra candy on.  Such as these, Cocoa Loco Krispymallow Treats, Candy Corn Custard, mix candy corn or chocolate candies with fat free popcorn - sweet & salty, make a healthy trail mix with cheerios and raisins, and M&M's, crush up and use as pudding toppers, or mix M&M's in oatmeal and have a colorful breakfast!  

Check these point plus values out!  The following came from the September/October 2012 Weight Watchers Magazine:
  • Nerds (1 fun-size box) 1 point
  • York Peppermint Pattie (fun-size) 1 point
  • Almond Joy (snack size) 2 points
  • Gummi bears (10 pieces) 2 points
  • M&M's milk chocolate (fun-size) 2 points
  • Candy corn (12 pieces) 2 points
  • Tootsie Roll Pop 2 points
  • Reese's PB Cups (2 minis) 3 points
It also said not to deprive yourself of candy but to limit yourself and keep each wrapper in sight so that you can see how much you have actually ate.  I thought that was such a good idea.....so simple, but yet so smart!  I can't even count how many times I just wad the paper up and don't pay attention, so I'm always in that mind set of .....one more won't hurt!  Maybe that is why I'm in this situation! 

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