Oct 25, 2012

Good-Bye & Hello......

Here are some reasons I am looking forward to losing weight.  Some are good-byes, not gonna miss ya, and some are hello, can't wait to meet ya.

1.  Being able to cross my legs when I sit

2.  To not have a big chest! I hate when people make comments(ok, capt. obvious) and I always feel so self conscious like people are staring or talking about them! 

3.  Having that feeling where you put on a old pair of jeans and they fit loosely.  I swear that is the best feeling ever!

4.  Having a social life

5.  Being able to sit somewhere and not be uncomfortable ~ chairs, cars, etc.

6.  No more feet swelling.

7.  Getting rid of my double chin and fat face!

8.  Healthy complexion and skin, I am starting to have issues with every type of face lotion I use.  It burns my face and my skin has been really dull and I have had a lot of blemishes.  I am 27 years old why am I still getting zits! Ugh!


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