Oct 9, 2012


WOW! How Exciting! Normally I do not like to post about facebook offers that are not going to be obtainable for everyone, so when this offer first came up I didn't post about it.  But, I just received an e-mail from RE-Body because I "liked" them on facebook and basically they are saying that they had such a huge response that they are offering this FREE sample again!  Here is what it reads...............

Welcome to the RE•BODY online community!

Did you know that 20,000 of you joined the RE•BODY community and have taken the challenge to transform your lives? In less than 12 hours last Monday, 10,000 of you signed up to try RE•BODY SafSlim® and RE•BODY Hunger Chews. We were so impressed with this response, we decided to extend the offer to an additional 10,000 fans so they too could join the RE•BODY revolution!

Don’t forget to take the personalized coupon code you received on Facebook to your local GNC Live Well store to pick up your products and get started today!
 I am not sure if this is still going on or if they have reached their maximum number of "Likes" on facebook, Unfortunately I can't tell b/c I already liked them, but I would definitely give it a try! GO HERE You will get two coupons when you like them - a FREE bottle of SafSlim and a bag of Hunger Chews.  All you have to do is take the coupons to your local GNC store and you will get these free items!  YAY!  

OF COURSE, I had to try this out last night.  I headed to GNC and low and behold they had these in stock and I got 1 bottle of SafSlim Delicious Berry Cream Fusion and Mandarin Orange Hunger Chews.  I'm so excited!  The cashier at GNC said that she has never seen such a great give-away before.  Basically, these were about $30.00 products.  So a value of $60 ......FREE!   I can't wait to try these out!  I hope they don't taste like crap.  According to the directions you only have to take a tablespoon twice a day, so if it is yuck tastic you can chase it with something.  


Let me know if you are able to get a hold of the coupon or if you get your free products!!! Yay!

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