Oct 14, 2012

Fat People & Suit Jackets

Yesterday my mom and I went shopping and had a girls day.  As we were out and about I was on the hunt for a suit jacket that I could wear to interviews, job fairs, and other events.  But after searching, I'm beginning to think that stores assume that fat people don't need jobs or do not deserve them.  I could only find two "suit jackets".

The first one I saw was almost like a sweat pant material.  Now, if I were the hiring manager and a potential employee showed up in that I would probably think "what are you wearing"! AND, on the other hand ......fat people should NOT be wearing clingy stretchy material.....how NOT flattering! Plus, the price was around $90.00 for this jacket.   The second one I really liked, but of course they didn't have any in my size. So, tonight I scoured the internet to find one.  I found many to choose from, but not any I wanted to pay for.  They ranged anywhere from $60-$100.  I finally came across this one on Target.com that didn't break the bank. ($29.99 + 5% discount for using Redcard)

Plus, to get free shipping I had to spend $50 so I got this shirt to wear with it or to work. ($21.99 + 5% discount for using Redcard)

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