Oct 30, 2012

So Many Choices.........

With my big doctor's appointment approaching I am eating everything in sight and not holding back on ANY urges!  (Drive-Thru at 11:00 at night - No Problem!)  Although I am very excited about my appointment for the Phentermine, I am also very nervous.  I am worried that I am going to be on a very strict diet that I won't be able to stick to.  I am not sure if the doctor will give me a plan to follow or he will let me pick my own.  I have been thinking about following the ABs Diet ~ 6 Week Challenge.  The reason I like this is you use all sorts of fresh, healthy, raw foods in this diet.  I really want to get away from processed foods.

Since you can only be on the Phentermine pill for 3 consecutive months, I need to change my lifestyle....I know...yadda yadda.......that is beat into our heads like a stranded human on a zombie island! Ha!  (Which is another worry of mine.....no, not zombies! ok, well, maybe a little)  I am just so scared that the Phentermine isn't going to work for me that I am stressing before I even go!  It reminds of that old oatmeal commercial where it shows the people walking around with scales chained to their feet.  Well, that is what the stress makes me feel like, but it doesn't motivate me.  I just kick it out of the way and pretend I'm skinny. 

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