Oct 11, 2012

Broccoli Slaw Meatloaf

Today I made Broccoli Slaw Meatloaf.  My mom makes this as meatballs and they are sooooo good!  So, today I sort of made my own version to fit with my old school ww plan.  I got the idea from the Hungry Girl - HG-Rific Taco Meat recipe.  Basically, I used mushrooms as a filler in the beef, then added the broccoli slaw, seasoned, and sort of formed into a rounded shape, then baked.  I was really surprised how much the mushrooms pumped up the volume of the meatloaf.  It could probably feed 3-4 people.  Check out the steps and pictures below. 


Fresh Mushrooms
Bagged Broccoli Slaw
Palm-Size Piece of Lean Ground Beef
1 egg white


1.  Add the fresh mushrooms, egg white, and lean ground beef in a food processor and blend until mixed together.  

(I'm a Ninja..I'm a, I'm..I'm a Ninja!)

2.  Put meat mixture into a smaller bowl and stir in the broccoli slaw and any seasoning (salt & pepper, garlic powder, minced onion, etc.).  I used about a 1 1/2 cups of slaw. 

3.  Put the meat mixture in a small baking pan sprayed with non-stick olive oil spray and shape with either your hands or spatula.  ( I used the spatula b/c I don't like to touch meat!)

4.  Put in the oven for about 45-50 minutes at 350 degrees.   

Alright, So, I am not sure why there was so much grease in the bottom of the pan.  The only thing that I could think of was that the ground beef my mom gave me was a fattier cut because I only used a palm-sized amount!

5.  VIOLA! Easy Peasy!  Enjoy your meatloaf!

6 Old School WW Points.....Not too Bad!

I actually added Campbell's Mushroom Bisque Soup to the side so that I could dunk my meatloaf in it.  I wanted to really try this soup but for 1 cup it came to 6 points on the old school ww plan.  So, I opted out of eating it as a soup and took a 1/2 cup of it as a side.  (equaling 3 points)  I had such an experience making this! It never fails....if one thing goes right, two things have to go wrong! 

Exploded in the microwave! What a Mess! 

Go Here for Nutrition Facts & Other Varieties

BUT, everything was really really good and I got enough to taste the soup.  Afterwards I wasn't disappointed that I didn't get to eat it as a soup.  Sort of tasted like thick mushroom flavored cream (I know....it is Bisque!), but oh so good on my meatloaf! 

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