Feb 16, 2010

Totally Messed Up

Yesterday, I totally messed up. I ate so much bad stuff. I had chicken tenders, popcorn, Applebees Chicken Fajita Roll-up, and a side salad. I just couldn't stop eating. I was just so hungry. So, now I have to work on getting back on track. I feel like it is good for my journey to not avoid foods that I love and crave, but then in return it is so hard to get back on track after I mess up. It takes me about 2 days to get back on my eating routine again. Then, I feel like I have totally lost those days that I could have potentially lost. For example, today I have totally done horrible. I have not consumed as much calories and fat as yesterday, but I have still ate way too much.

I googled the nutrition facts for the roll-up and it wasn't as bad as I thought, but it is not good. It weighs in at 642 calories and 11 grams of fat. That does not include the sides of sauce I ate or the portion of French Fries I ate that came with the meal. YIKES! Now, onto the side salad. Jeez, I'm scared to know. Ok, well according to this website the dressing is included in the nutrition facts. So, it weighs in at 302 calories and about 16 grams of fat. Actually that isn't totally bad. Because their house salads are pretty big and you get a hearty portion of veggies, dressing, and toppings. Oh Well, it was good! I will just have to work harder!

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