Feb 3, 2010

Choc. PB Cookies

Last night I tried the Biggest Loser recipe I posted about earlier. The Chocolate–Peanut Butter Grahamwiches. Let me tell you they turned out really good. They are super easy to make and surprisingly they were awesomely good!! When I started making them I was skeptical b/c the cool whip and PB didn't look that appetizing squished between the graham crackers. So, I popped them in the freezer and about 2 hours later came back to try. I took my first bite, not knowing what to expect, but my taste buds were shocked. This is a must try recipe..........Yummy!!! The only downside is that they are really crumby....literally, you almost need a bib when you eat these. I had graham cracker crumbs all over my shirt when I got done eating one. LOL!!

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