Feb 7, 2010

Time ~ Sure does fly away!

Wow! I really can not believe that this up coming week will be week #4. I have never lasted this long on a diet in a really long time. Can not believe that this Wednesday it will be 1 month that I have been watching what I have been eating. Right now it is really hitting me that this is it. It has finally clicked and something is working. Just realizing that I am coming upon week #4 has given me even more motivation to lose.

This Month (February)

~ Have a fear that I will not meet my goal of 5 pounds, but excited to take on the challenge!

~ Will get into a pair of sweatpants that I wanted to wear but they are too tight. Isn't that horrible. A pair of sweatpants that are too tight! (I'll post them tomorrow)

~ Will exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week, at least.

~ Fear that I will not be able to fit into my jeans by April.

~ Keep better food journals.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You can totally tell I am super tired by the way I wrote that post!! Sorry!! Can I say week #4 anymore in a 3 sentence paragraph? lol
