Feb 9, 2010

Not All Brownies In This Pan

I was talking with my friend, Emily, the other night and we got to talking about this Perfect Brownie Pan. Ever since I saw them I thought they were just the cats meow, and I wanted one. But, I never bought one thinking that I am going to go on a diet and not eat brownies. Plus $20.00 just for a brownie pan seems a little steep for me. So, were chatting about how they work and stuff and she informs me that they can make anything that requires a pan. Not just
brownies. I got really excited! She said they could make cake and rice crispies, and breads. Instantly when she said cake this recipe came to mind. The miracle cake. The cake that just requires a box of cake mix and any 12 oz. can of diet soda. PORTION CONTROL......How Cool!!


1 box any kind/flavor dry cake mix
1 can of any kind/flavor diet pop


Combine dry cake mix and one can diet pop. Mix well. DO NOT ADD any other ingredients such as water, oil, or eggs!! Pour batter into greased 9x13. And Viola!!

Number of Servings: 12

Just the cake alone has 180 calories, 2.5 grams. fat, and 0 fiber. Your supposed to top this cake with fat free cool whip and a little powdered sugar. They are saying the weight watchers are between 3 and 4 points depending on your toppings. Also, I was thinking that you could probably take that icing recipe from Hungry Girls Vanilla Cupcake and put it on here. You would just have to make sure that you count the nutrition facts of your ingredients.

I have made this before a while back and it was pretty good. Of course it isn't going to taste like cake that we are used to but it is really light and has a good taste to it. Let me know if you like it or try it in the Perfect Brownie Pan!

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