Feb 3, 2010

Great Value Sucky Flavored Bars

Today's Daily Bite-Down is........Great Value Vanilla Flavored Ice Cream Sandwiches. (97% Fat Free) *these are the Wal-Mart Brand.

On my last shopping trip I went down the ice-cream isle looking and praying I could find something that would be an inexpensive guilt free treat. I came across these delicious looking ice-cream bars. Looked at the nutrition facts, thought, "not bad" and threw them in my cart.

The next day I decide to have a snack so I go to the fridge, couldn't find anything. Open up the freezer, and aaahhh,(heaven sounds) there were my ice-cream bars I bought. I open the box, take a sandwich and rip the paper off. My mouth is watering.... I can not wait. Yum, I'm thinking. I take a bite and my mouth said something else. So, I chew that bite up swallow and think well, maybe my mind and mouth need to taste this again to get a true register of the taste. After all, how can these be bad!! Look at the picture on the box!! Well, I keep taking bites and nothing is getting better. I got so mad that I threw it out. Took the box out, looked to make sure there was a 100% satisfaction guarantee, on them and then returned them. They should not be allowed to sell these nasty bars!

The ice-cream in the bar isn't bad it is just that nasty chocolate whatever it is on the outside that taste so bad. I can't even describe how bad this sandwich tastes!! Lesson learned...........looks ARE deceiving.

Rating: -37
Buy Again: Definitely Will Not!!
Pay Full Price: Would not take them if they were free! If the store paid me I would buy them.

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