Feb 12, 2010

Special K Fruit Crisps

Where can you go wrong with these little fruit flavored pastries you ask? The answer is NOWHERE! These Special K Fruit Crisps are so good. When I saw the box, it sort of took me by surprise because the picture and the word "crisp" made me think of a cracker. So, I wasn't expecting a lot out of these little wafers. Especially because I am not a fan of the Special K line.

When I opened the first pouch I was surprised that you got two crisps for 100 calories, I didn't read the box, and they weren't wafers like I thought. I take my first bite and my palette was pleasantly surprised. These taste just like a strawberry poptart. And, believe it or not there is quite a bit of filling in them. They are not really dry, sort of a chewy texture. So far I have only tried the strawberry, because I am not a #1 fan of blueberry. Eat Up!!

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