Sep 20, 2012


Do you ever wonder why you can't eat the same diet foods that your friends or family does and not lose weight?  The other day I just happened to be watching Dr. Oz and he said that everyone has a different type of metabolism.  I already knew this, but he made it clearer to me as to why this is such a big deal.  When I was still in college my roommate and I joined weight watchers and we went and bought all those frozen meals.  She ate them everyday and lost weight.  I ate them everyday and it seemed like I was bloated and actually gained more weight than I lost.  I didn't understand it at all.  But, now I sort of have a better grasp on it.  I know now that I can not eat processed foods to lose weight.  I have to eat mostly fresh prepared meals and I know if I stay between 1500 and 2000 calories I can lose weight. The hard part is just doing it!! (ha)

After the show I went to Dr. Oz's website and took the quiz that is available to tell you what type of metabolism you have.  Now, don't expect anything amazing because it is not.  It is very simple.  But, it was neat because it sort of gave me a little bit of any idea of what I need to do a little different. 

I took the quiz and I am a type A Metabolism. It said that I need to add more protein to my diet.  It said that I should have 50% protein, 30% fats, and 20% carbs.    Go here to take the quiz. 

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