Nov 14, 2012


I can't believe it will be one week tomorrow since I have started taking the Phentermine.  So far ...... I have had no problems with it nor any of the supplements I am taking.  So, I am pretty pumped about that.  I thought for sure I would have some sort of side effects. (headaches)

The first couple days I was dieting I was super tired and had no energy.  At that time I was kind of disappointed because the Phentermine was supposed to give you a boost.  But, now I think it is due to my body adjusting to the new foods and diet.  It wasn't used to all those fruits and veggies, it went into freak out mode and didn't know what to do!  The last couple of days I haven't been as sluggish  but, I'm still waiting for that energy surge.  On the other hand, I have felt a lot better overall.  I am not bloated and my feet haven't swelled like balloons lately.

With tomorrow being Thursday it will be my first weigh in day.  I have mixed feelings.  I have so badly been wanting to weigh myself, but I told myself  "No".  I will be so upset if I only lose a minimal amount.  I am not sure what I am hoping to see tomorrow, but I want some sort of big difference on the scale to keep me motivated and moving along.  I'll see tomorrow! 

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