Nov 11, 2012

First Day

My official first day on this diet was Friday November 9, 2012.  It wasn't too hard to adjust to the eating, I just found it hard to take all my pills.  As mentioned before, I feel like I am eating more pills than I am food.  I also feel like the Phentermine is really helping me cope and make better food choices.  It is really hard to explain how it is helping me see food differently.  It is very weird.  As before it was almost to the point where I had to have food.  Junk food, snack food, candy, fast food.....just anything. (like a druggie)  But, now I do not feel that real hunger as I did before.  It takes the edge off that craving.  As an example, Friday I was thinking about food and how I love pizza and it was almost like my brain erased the taste of it immediately.  I felt like I could kick the thought aside and move on, instead of dwelling on it and then just give in and eat pizza.  So, I don't really have that craving nor does my mouth water for food like it has before.  It is just so strange.  Is this how a normal person feels?  As before, my life would revolve around food, now it is almost like I could take or leave the food.

I also think knowing that I am going to be held accountable for my weight loss each week and that I am paying for this makes me just a little bit more motivated than before.  It is sort of a game now.  I need to prove to Dr. Sparks and Lisa that I am losing weight and I am serious about this.  I just hope this is going to stick and the newness doesn't wear off.

What I ate:

Friday November 9, 2012

Weight and Inches Shake blended with 1/2 banana & a strawberry flavor packet.
Tuna salad w/ carrots and cooked cabbage
Hamburger patty, roll w/ honey butter, cooked cabbage, and ketchup
8 oz. apple juice

Saturday November 10, 2012

Weight and Inches Shake - Vanilla
1 banana
Salad w/ 2 oz turkey lunch-meat, pinch of shredded cheese, few croutons, and salad dressing.
Chili w/ crackers and a hunk of cheese.
Metamucil & O.J. (ewwww......but my friend Devin chugged it down with me....That is true friendship!)
* I had to have cheese.  I couldn't stay away!

Sunday November 11, 2012

1 banana
Salad w/ 2 oz. turkey lunch-meat, pinch of shredded cheese, few croutons, and salad dressing.
Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich (dry - only lettuce) and green beans.
8 oz. O.J.
* But, the night isn't over ...... so I still am able to have 2 shakes yet. 

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