Aug 2, 2010

Addiction or Survival

So I was googling around with "food addiction" and I came across some really interesting topics and articles. Go Here to read the first post that I wrote about this. I will be making two post because the article from WebMd is so long and I wanted to really dissect it. So, I am going to make the article another post. Well, these are just some food for thought. Hope you enjoy and look at them in "AWWW" like I did. So much of it makes a lot of sense.

Food addicts in recovery anonymous website - very interesting. I was thinking about calling and seeing what one would be all about.

Food Addictions & Food Obsessions - This article is great! I will probably be posting it soon and going through it like the WebMD article.

Break Your Food Addiction - This article I found really interesting. I liked the Q & A format of it. I like how they gave an example and went from there.

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